Monday, August 15, 2011

7 days....

Called my dad today to catch up and let him know that if he doesn't hear from me the way he would hope to, it's just because I'm going to be busy.  He likes it best when I initiate contact although I think most people do.  It makes us feel more like the ones we are talking to really do want to talk to us.  There is nothing worse than calling someone and hearing detachment in their voice.  I actually had to have that conversation with him once when he said I never called him.  I asked him why I would want to call someone who tuned me out and said, uh, huh strategically while they watched TV.  (We don't seem to have that problem anymore...he got caught and he knew it.  LOL)  I just wanted him to know he wasn't being ignored intentionally so he feeling wouldn't be hurt.  I know that sounds strange from my previous post, but as I have grown up I just realize that people have limits as to what they can offer you.  Some relationships are worth it, others are not.  He's my dad and although he'll never be the "butterfly kisses" dad, he's the one God sent me.  He has not always been kind  but he has done some incredibly kind things that changed my life in profound ways.  It's the only way he knows to show he does care. It's so freeing to grow up and realize that!
So this week will be about winding up all the things I need to get done before the big day.  I thought I was going to see "The Help" tonight, but the people I was going with cancelled so I bought the book for less than the cost of a movie ticket.  When it comes out on DVD or comes out on HBO, I'll see it then.  That's what I am going to do now, so goodbye out there is blogging land !  <3.  Thanks for listening.

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